

Enhance employee engagement, health and wellbeing by offering the benefits of The Good Move.

Transform your workplace by promoting both the physical and mental health benefits from moving regularly and taking short brain breaks.

Corporate Wellbeing in Australia

The Good Move Corporate

A simple yet effective strategy to implement in the workplace to enhance employee health and wellbeing.

Work From Home Pilates in Australia

The challenges

Some of the challenges faced with the changes to flexible working include:

  • Home and impromptu offices that may not be ergonomic, namely, furniture, screen size and/or lighting 

  • Less walking around the office to collaborate with colleagues or participation in meetings

  • Reduced incidental walking associated with travel to and from work

Corporate Physiotherapy Services

The risks

Risks associated with a sedentary lifestyle  

  • Cardiovascular disease

  • Diabetes Type II

  • Hypertension/Blood pressure

  • High cholesterol 

  • Musculoskeletal disorder

Employee Well-being in Australia

The Good Move benefits  

  • Improve employee health & well being

  • Promotes the positive benefits of regular movement & brain breaks 

  • Enhance corporate culture of health & wellness 

  • Improve employee engagement & productivity

  • Reduce incidence of workplace injuries associated with sustained posture/sitting

  • Decrease health risks associated with sedentary behaviour 

  • Improve concentration by incorporating a break between meetings/tasks 

Tailored proposals available to suit your workplace and needs


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